Shofar Global Network

“Shattering Paradigms in the Marketplace!”

“I have a God-given vision for a global, Christian business network of like-minded, spirt led believers that provides information, training, resources and opportunities for the turbulent times ahead.

As a Christian...

  • Do you have an interest in being connected with a global, business network of like-minded, spirit-led believers with common goals?
  • Are you concerned about the spiritual deceit, political turmoil and economic decline going on in our world today?
  • Would you like access to the information, training, resources and opportunities that will help you navigate the turbulent times ahead?

The Shofar Global Network
Mandates for the Marketplace

  • Hearing God's voice for yourself.
  • Building a like-minded, spirit-led global Christian business network.
  • Creating, inventing and innovating with revelatory insight, using a proven thinking framework for generating life-changing, great ideas for Kingdom purposes - through a revolutionary new training program called “Co-Creating with God”
  • Bringing NEW disruptive technologies, products & services to market.
  • Incubating, launching, and scaling Kingdom purpose driven businesses.
  • Having Godly influence.
  • Impacting culture & society.
  • Solving critical problems.
  • Generating wealth and facilitating a wealth transfer for Kingdom purposes.
  • Preparing for the TURBULENT times ahead.

If any of this stirs your spirit up, and you have been praying and waiting a long time to be involved with something like this, you may be in the right place.


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